sphore 0.0.1
SPH openGL rendering engine

src/settings.h File Reference

Provides global access to the settings and data used for the current device. More...

#include "device.h"
#include "viewport.h"
#include "list.h"
#include "camera.h"
#include "volume.h"
#include "kernel.h"
#include "colour-ramp.h"
#include "offscreen.h"
#include <GL/gl.h>

Go to the source code of this file.


 A pointer to the device settings for the currently open device.
 A pointer to the current viewport.
 A pointer to the current camera object.
 A pointer to the current volume object.
 A list of the data currently being rendered as points.
 A list of the data to be rendered as lines.
 A list of data to be rendered as spheres.
 A list of data to be rendered using column integrals.
float clear_colour [4]
 The colour to be used where no data is rendered.
float colour [4]
 The current color used to render following points and lines.
 The colour ramp used to render.
GLuint col_vertex_shader
 The column density vertex shader.
GLuint col_fragment_shader
 The column integration fragment shader.
GLuint col_program
 The 'program' used to render column density.
GLuint colour_vertex_shader
 The colouring vertex shader.
GLuint colour_fragment_shader
 The colouring fragment shader.
GLuint colouring_program
 The colouring 'program' used to render points and lines.
GLuint norm_vertex_shader
 The standard vertex shader.
GLuint norm_fragment_shader
 The standard fragment shader.
GLuint norm_program
 The normal 'program' used to render points and lines.
 The texture used when rendering 3D SPH data.

Detailed Description

Provides global access to the settings and data used for the current device.

Variable Documentation

A pointer to the current camera object.

float clear_colour[4]

The colour to be used where no data is rendered.

The column integration fragment shader.

GLuint col_program

The 'program' used to render column density.

The column density vertex shader.

float colour[4]

The current color used to render following points and lines.

The colouring fragment shader.

The colour ramp used to render.

The colouring vertex shader.

The colouring 'program' used to render points and lines.

A list of data to be rendered using column integrals.

A pointer to the device settings for the currently open device.

The texture used when rendering 3D SPH data.

A list of the data to be rendered as lines.

The standard fragment shader.

GLuint norm_program

The normal 'program' used to render points and lines.

The standard vertex shader.

Offscreen stuff

A list of the data currently being rendered as points.

A list of data to be rendered as spheres.

A pointer to the current viewport.

A pointer to the current volume object.

 All Data Structures Files Functions Variables Typedefs Enumerations Enumerator Defines